KVT Therapy

Sound Ventilation Tone Therapy

Three Essential Areas of Influence Characterizing the Treatment:


Influence on the peripheral and central acoustic functions as well as on persistent phantom noise (Tinnitus) through the application of sound spectra, which are matched appropriately to the individual patient hearing capacity (AMK = Akupaedie with Sounds, Berndsen/Berndsen). To stabilize the accomplished improvements or capabilities, a CD is recorded that is listened to at home during the habit-forming and facilitating phases. A common CD player and high quality closed earphones are required.


Application of a specific neurophysiological exercise program, which has influence on the functional ventilation in the middle ear and opening function of the Eustachian tubes as well as facilitating the physiological breathing, lip, tongue and soft palate activity. The goal is to improve the ventilation mechanism in the middle ear, in the sinuses and an improvement in the blood oxygen level of the total organism.


Influence on the functions of specific muscles of the body, special head-balancing muscles, the facial, swallowing and mandibular musculature, the dental occlusion and mandibular-joint function through a kinetically corrective treatment. This function sequence developed at ISST is for every patient in support of diagnostic determination of data, individualized and adapted.

Goal of the Therapy

A fundamental treatment goal is a functional rearrangement, which must be accomplished against prevailing habits and incorrect muscle use. To do this, routine corrective applications over a long time are required. Symptoms can sometimes become influenced spontaneously through use of medications. However, the cause is not treated and an unhealthy stress often reoccurs. Feelings of suffering and hopelessness in the patients increases through such negative experiences and create often psychosomatic symptoms.

The goal of the KVT Therapy is to recognize and to treat causes simultaneously. The singular disorder should be alleviated if possible or greatly improved. The incorrect functional developments have been established in the patient over many years and often since childhood. The fact that long and continually strengthened undesirable developments can never be in the short-term corrected is logical and must not be disputed. The KVT therapy needs a longer time to reach set goals, circa 3 to 12 months. This does not mean that the patient can experience improvements in this time. Most patients report after the first weeks that they have obtained positive developments. The feeling that there was a positive influence on the stressful disorder gives the afflicted motivation and strength to keep going on consequently with the treatment over several months. The daily exertion for the patients is kept at a minimum, circa 3 x daily, 7 to 10 minutes.

Inflammatory processes must be handled before KVT therapy or the appropriate medication must be prescribed for their treatment!
