Therapy appointment cancellation

We ask you to cancel upcoming therapy appointments that you cannot keep as early as possible. This way we can give the free appointment to another patient in time. Otherwise, we may have to charge for the cancellation.

Please inform us of the cancellation using this contact form at least 48 hours before the appointment!

For cancellations at short notice, please call the practice or leave a message on our answering machine at +49-2303-86888. Arrange an alternative appointment if they have not booked another therapy session. You can reach our secretary by phone at the above number.

To cancel an upcoming therapy session, please fill out and submit the form.
You will receive a message as confirmation of receipt to your specified e-mail address.

Appointment Cancellation

Your contact details

Your name*

E-Mail address*

Phone number

Please call back


Patient name*

Therapy appointment




Reason for cancellation

 I have read and agree toterms of use and privacy policy.*

Please note: Fields marked with a red star * are required.

To enable us to process your message correctly, please provide as much information as possible.

Thank you very much!

Institute for Special Systemical Therapy

Wasserstr. 25
D-59423 Unna

Fon: +49 (0) 23 03 / 86 88 8
Fax: +49 (0) 23 03 / 89 88 6
